Child & Family Services
As the community mental health center for northeast Indiana, Northeastern Center works to help children and their families achieve emotional and mental wholeness through accessible, affordable and quality behavioral healthcare services.
Northeastern Center currently provides:
- Individual Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Wraparound
- Case Management
Trained staff and professionals will provide case management services for your child and family, act as a liaison between other agencies and Northeastern and possibly the school the child attends. Staff will work with your child and family to evaluate and assess needs present, coordinate team meetings, assist family with gaining access to available community based resources, transportation to meetings with other professionals and supervision services.
Staff can provide daily living skill for the family including budgeting skills, Child nutrition and safety, services in locating housing, transportation and employment, home management, parent/child interaction and crisis resolution. Appointments can be in the school, home or community and office that are most needed for the family.

What is Wraparound?
Wraparound is a planning process that follows a series of steps to help families realize and achieve their hopes and dreams. Wraparound brings together family members as well as those involved with the family to help them reach their goals. The wraparound program looks a little different for every family because every family has their own unique needs, strengths, and goals.
Through the wraparound process, a family and their team develop, implement, and fine-tune a plan of care that is individualized to achieve positive outcomes for the family.
Wraparound is funded through Medicaid and the Department of Child Services.
Who does wraparound work with?
Northeast Indiana Wraparound provides care for families located in Northeast Indiana.
The program works with teens and children having severe emotional problems as well as issues at school and home.
Northeastern Center serves as the access site for families to engage in the Wraparound program.
What can I expect from Wraparound?
A Wraparound Facilitator to contact you and schedule a time to visit you at home.
- The Wraparound Facilitator will get to know you and your family.
- Your family will create a family vision of what you want to achieve over time.
- Regular team meetings to discuss the care of your family.
- Copies of all plans and reports.

Wraparound Principles:
The philosophical principles of wraparound have long provided the basis for understanding this widely-practiced service delivery model.
- Family voice and choice: the family’s perspective is prioritized and the plan reflects the family’s values and preferences.
- Team based: wraparound meetings take place with a family team. A family team is made up of family members and those involved in their care (e.g. probation, neighbors, teachers, CPS workers).
- Natural supports: family team actively seeks out members from personal and community relationships.
- Collaboration: team members work together and share responsibility for creating, implementing, and monitoring plans.
- Strength-based: the wraparound process and plan identifies, builds on, and enhances capabilities, knowledge, skills, and assets of all family members.
Reasons Families Call Wraparound
- Family members are experiencing mental health or substance abuse problems.
- Children are having behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community.
- Domestic violence situations.
- Family is adjusting to the death of a family member or divorce.
- Family would like to function without involvement with DCS.
- Parents are overwhelmed and don’t know what to do with the children.
- Family has many service providers and doesn’t know how to keep up.
Contact Information
To contact the Access Site call: (855) 349-2920.
For more information on any of our adolescent services, contact any one of the Northeastern Center offices listed below:
Auburn Outpatient Office
1800 Wesley Rd.,Auburn IN 46706
(260) 925-2453
Albion Outpatient Office
833 East Main Street, Albion, IN 46701
(260) 636-6975
Kendallville Outpatient Office
1930 E. Dowling Street, Kendallville, IN 46755
(260) 347-4400
2155 N. SR 9, P.O. Box 191
LaGrange, IN 46761
(260) 463-7144
Angola Outpatient Office
3265 Intertech Drive, Angola, IN 46703
(260) 665-9494