In times of crisis, it’s the smallest things that can make the biggest difference.

Northeastern Center is now accepting donations of new socks and underwear, small personal items that can have a big impact on guests at NEC Cares.

Open 24/7, NEC Cares is safe place to go for anyone experiencing mental health, substance use, or other crisis situation, such as housing emergencies or domestic violence.

When guests come to NEC Cares, they are offered a shower, clean clothes and a meal.

“It’s about treating each guest with dignity,” explained Dottie Funtes, Northeastern Center’s chief clinical officer. “Often, they haven’t showered in several days, so we want them to feel clean and comfortable.”

Thanks to the generosity of Northeastern Center employees, NEC Cares has received more than enough donations of clean clothing for its guests. But new socks and underwear are always in demand.

“Especially in the winter, when we see an increase in housing emergencies, we want to ensure everyone gets a completely fresh start,” Fuentes said. “While we provide each guest with an array of resources and support, we would love if our community could help us meet the most basic of their needs.”

Donations of new, unopened socks and underwear (youth and adult sizes) can be dropped off any time at NEC Cares, which is located in the Community Health and Outreach Center at 1752 Wesley Road, Auburn. *If you would like to donate via Amazon or another online retailer, simply use the Community Health & Outreach Center address for shipping!

For more information about NEC Cares, call 260-927-1246. If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health emergency, call our 24/7 Emergency Solutions team at 1-800-790-0118.